Simon: Tell us about yourself?
J. Rose: I like cheese doodles and chocolate milk. At the same time.
Simon: Have you ever cried over something you’ve written?
J. Rose: Yes. mostly because it sucked like a vacuum in a 220 outlet.
Simon: What would the FBI say if they went over your google search history?
J. Rose: "Someone called J. Edgar, we got a live one here."
Simon: Who is your favorite Apathetic Avenger? Why?
J. Rose: Laura. No B-S, straight up kinda chick who would kill you as soon as save you.
Simon: Do you have any works that you're planning to publish solo?
J. Rose: Yes. As soon as we're solid with Volumes 2 thru 6, I'm going to do the spit and polish on one I have laying around.
Simon: What made you decide that you wanted to work on Faction?
J. Rose: I had about 8 other projects going at the same, there was some stress at work, which was technically a new job, I was suffering from some severe homesickness, my husband was still pretty messed up and there was the fact that we were living in a roach infested pit in Virginia, so I thought I would add a little more to the poop-pile.
Simon: When do you consider a story “done”?
J. Rose: Well, the subtleties of writing allow for many stages of done. Much like the Lord of the Rings, which has several points at which the story is "done" (at last count, the movie has seven endings) While the bulk of the story is complete before Sam and Frodo are rescued by the Eagles (which, btw-- where the hell did those come from and why didn't they just fly them in?) there are loose ends that must be tied up as in any good story. So while the bulk of the work is done when I write the words "the end", the tough part of continuing life without my pointer finger begins and we start the clean up.
Hobbits are disgusting. You should try mopping that floor after breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies and luncheon while trying to get supper, tea and dinner ready. Ugh.
Simon: Why do you enjoy writing?
J. Rose: It's not so much enjoy as being compelled. And if I don't, I start calling my co-workers Edgar and Rachel.
Simon: Why can’t we have Megazords?
J. Rose: That's classified.
So there you have it. A little more, relatively speaking, about your authors. You should sit in on our conversations. We came up with a whole story idea because someone off-handedly mentioned that Edgar should be consuming about 40,000 calories a day.
We're going to head off for the weekend. We hope to have the next volumes up in the next two weeks, so keep an eye out!
Meanwhile, you know the drill:

Smashwords for Kobo!
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