Thursday, February 21, 2013

Slow and Steady...

I'm impatient. But I understand things take time. So for those of you interested, and have had some patience with us-- we bring you:

Apathetic Avengers, on Amazon is coming, slowly. It takes a LOT longer to get through those distribution channels. But it's there, and it's also still available through the CreateSpace page as well.

As an FYI-- this will be the only single volume in print. From now on, if you're buying print, you'll be getting no less than 3 volumes (about 350 pages) per book.  Doing this print stuff is very labor intensive - and I used to do layout for a living, so consider that statement-  and I can't do it for each of these. Just the covers are a lot of work.

The novelty of having our name on an actual book was just too much to wait for my slow-a$$ editing. Next time: patience is the key.

And as Simon just asked me, "Did you buy the copies yet?"

No. I had to pay the power bill.

----For you less traditional types---

Apathetic Avengers, Faction Vol 1, ebook:

Welcome To Downing City, Faction Vol 2, ebook:

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